SUNY Cortland Dynasty Part 2 - The Peak

Apple - Spotify

Michelle LaFleur - 2:02

Heather Swarts - 42:40

Heidi Swarts - 1:20:52

If you haven't listened to Part 1, pause right now and go listen!

The SUNY Cortland Series continues with the Peak of the program. The three women we spoke to, Michelle LaFleur, Heather and Heidi Swarts, each won 4 team titles when they were at Cortland and each earned 3 All-America Honors. They brought the Cortland Dynasty to new heights and helped set the Division III record of scoring 18 points at the 1992 National meet. These three women went into depth about their experiences, their setbacks and what it took to stay on top. Their stories can resonate with anyone and we're so excited to bring you this series. If you enjoyed please share it on your social media!

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SUNY Cortland Dynasty Part 3 - The End of an Era


SUNY Cortland Dynasty Part 1 - The Rise